What does an Amber Necklace Do?

An amber necklace is believed to release succinic acid, a natural compound found in amber, when it is warmed by the skin's natural temperature. When the succinic acid is released, it is thought to be absorbed into the body, where it may help reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Some people use amber necklaces for teething pain in babies, as the anti-inflammatory properties of succinic acid may help relieve the discomfort associated with teething. Others wear amber necklaces for arthritis pain or other inflammatory conditions.

In addition to its potential healing properties, amber is also prized for its beauty and aesthetic appeal. Amber necklaces come in a variety of styles and designs, and many people wear them as a fashion accessory.

Do Amber Necklaces actually work?

They have for our family! Many people have reported positive results from using amber necklaces for teething pain, inflammation, and other health issues.

Amber contains succinic acid, which is believed to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. When an amber necklace is worn against the skin, the succinic acid is released and absorbed into the body, where it may help reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Who should wear amber?

Amber jewelry can be worn by anyone who enjoys its beauty or believes in its potential healing properties. However, it is important to note that amber jewelry should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment, and anyone with a medical condition should consult with a healthcare professional before using amber for its potential health benefits.

Some people who may benefit from using amber include:

  1. Infants and young children who are teething and experiencing teething pain
  2. Adults who are experiencing arthritis pain or other inflammatory conditions
  3. People who suffer from anxiety or stress and believe that amber may have calming properties
  4. Anyone who is looking for a natural and alternative way to support their overall health and well-being

It is important to choose high-quality, certified Baltic amber jewelry and to always use it under adult supervision, especially with infants and young children.

What does Amber do for adults?

Some of the potential benefits of amber for adults include:

  1. Relief from arthritis pain: Amber is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and pain associated with arthritis.

  2. Improved mood and well-being: Some people believe that amber has calming and balancing properties, which can help with anxiety and stress, and promote overall well-being.

  3. Better sleep: Amber may help improve sleep by promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety.

  4. Relief from migraines and headaches: Amber is believed to have pain-relieving properties, which can help reduce the intensity and frequency of migraines and headaches.

What are the benefits of Amber?

  1. Relief from teething pain: Amber necklaces are often used to relieve teething pain in infants and young children. The anti-inflammatory properties of succinic acid may help reduce the discomfort associated with teething.

  2. Relief from arthritis pain: Amber is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and pain associated with arthritis.

  3. Improved mood and well-being: Some people believe that amber has calming and balancing properties, which can help with anxiety and stress, and promote overall well-being.

  4. Better sleep: Amber may help improve sleep by promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety.

  5. Relief from migraines and headaches: Amber is believed to have pain-relieving properties, which can help reduce the intensity and frequency of migraines and headaches.

  6. Protection against electromagnetic radiation: Some people believe that amber can protect against electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices.

Should I take my Amber Necklace or Bracelet off at night?

Always remove your baby's or kids necklace before putting them to sleep.

For adults it is generally recommended to remove your amber necklace before going to bed, especially if you are a restless sleeper or move around a lot during the night. This is because there is a risk that the necklace could become tangled or caught on something, which could cause discomfort or injury.

Additionally, some people find that wearing the necklace at night can interfere with their sleep, especially if it is a heavy or bulky necklace. It is important to prioritize comfort and safety when wearing any jewelry, including amber necklaces.

However, if you find that wearing your amber necklace at night helps you sleep better or provides other benefits, and you are comfortable with it, then it is fine to continue wearing it. 

 How can I tell if my amber necklace is real?

Firstly, all of our Amber is certified by GIA, the gemological institute of America.

There are a few ways to tell if your amber necklace is real:

  1. Look for imperfections: Real amber is a natural substance, so it often has imperfections such as bubbles, inclusions, or small cracks. These imperfections can be seen when you examine the necklace closely.

  2. Test for static electricity: Real amber will create static electricity when rubbed against certain materials, such as wool or silk. Rub the necklace against a cloth and see if it creates a static charge.

  3. Test for temperature: Amber is a natural resin and will become warm when rubbed vigorously between your palms. Rub the necklace between your palms and see if it becomes warm.

  4. Check for scent: Real amber has a distinctive, resinous scent that you can smell when you hold it close to your nose. Be careful not to inhale too deeply, as the scent can be overpowering.

  5. Do the saltwater test: Mix a solution of one part salt and two parts water, and dissolve the salt completely. Drop the necklace into the solution. Real amber will float in saltwater, while fake amber made of plastic or other materials will sink.

Which amber color is the strongest?

The strength of amber is not necessarily determined by its color, but rather by its age, clarity, and chemical composition. Generally, the older and clearer the amber, the stronger it is considered to be.

Amber that is more than 50 million years old is generally considered to be the strongest and most valuable, as it has had more time to harden and solidify. Clear or translucent amber is also considered to be stronger than opaque or cloudy amber, as it has fewer impurities and is less likely to crack or break.

However, it is important to note that the strength of amber can vary widely depending on the individual specimen and its specific characteristics, so there is no one color of amber that is universally considered to be the strongest.