How to Choose an Amber Necklace

How to Choose the Perfect Necklace


  1. Choose the right size:

13 inch necklaces fit newborns 3 months to 4T. 

15 inch necklaces fit 4T to 15+

18 inch necklaces fit kids 8+ to adults.


  1. Choose an Amber color:

Cherry is black

Lemon is yellow

Green is a greenish/yellowish brown

Cognac is brown

Mix is a mix of different Amber colors

All amber colors work the same, although some people believe the lighter and less processed the amber, the better it works for teething.


  1. Choose a Gemstone:

Is there any Gemstones that you know you like? If there is not a specific Gemstone that you know you like, you can always go by color, or by the one that calls your attention the most. 

Gemstones are known to have some healing qualities as well, so you can also choose the one that fits the best with your personality or a specific ailment or obstacle. You can use this list as a guide. 


  • Agate brings harmony and peace
  • Amazonite is a soothing stone, it calms the nervous system and brain.
  • Amethyst brings inner peace, balance and healing 
  • Aquamarine is a stone of courage. Its calming energies reduce stress and quiet the mind.
  • Aventurine is a healing stone that helps increase creativity and perception.
  • Bloodstone helps detoxify and purify the body
  • Blue Lace Agate gives courage for new and challenging situations and softens stubbornness. 
  • Blue Quartz enhances organizational abilities, self-discipline and orderliness
  • Carnelian is a stabilizing and balancing stone that brings harmony and peace. 
  • Cherry Quartz aids in concentration, helps with grief and sadness
  • Howlite helps with calming down the body and mind
  • Lapis Lazuli releases stress, bringing deep peace. It also aids concentration and helps settle the wandering mind.
  • Lava is a great Essencial Oil diffuser.
  • Lepidolite, the stone of transition, brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression
  • Malachite absorbs negative energies and helps balance mood swings.  
  • Moonstone is the stone for inner growth and strength, it helps with transitions and fear. 
  • Rose Quartz is the stone of love and nurturing. 

4. Love your necklace :)